Q. What do we do in an event of a drain clog in our unit?
A. We ask that you please contact a licensed plumber that specializes in drain clogs ASAP!
Q. Does the Association have a list of preferred plumbers?
A. We have listed some vendors under “Residential Resources” then go to “Vendor” section
Q. If the clog is deemed to be Association responsibility, will I be reimbursed?
A. The answer is “YES”, the AOAO will review the Plumbers Report to make the final decision if indeed it is the Associations responsibility.
Q. I have an issue with my “Water Shutoff Valve”, does the Association repair our water shutoffs?
A. The answer is, “NO” owner will need to contact plumber, if you do not know where your shutoff valve is, you may contact the AOAO Office and our Maintenance Team can assist you.